Page 7 - 東華大學創校30周年特刊
P. 7


            Empowering Faculty and Students              Teaching  Award.  These  professors
                                                         shared their long-standing experiences

                 Our faculty and students are at the     in research and teaching. In addition,
            heart of this vision. In this special issue,   Prof. Kuang-Hao Wei, the chair of the
            we are honored to feature contributions      Department of Music in the College of

            from esteemed faculty members such as        the Arts, introduced the one and only
            Prof. Chen-Wei Liu from the Department       Jazz  Music  Program  among  public
            of Chemistry in the College of Science       universities in Taiwan. Prof. Chia-Wen

            and Engineering, who holds the title of      Zhu,  the  dean  of  College  of  Huilan,
            Distinguished Professor, Prof. Hung-Tu       introduced the Undergraduate Degree
            Chen from the Department of History          Program of Rift Valley Interdisciplinary

            in the College of Humanities and Social      Shuyuan.
            Sciences,  Prof.  Tsai-Wei  Wang  from

            the Graduate Program of Multicultural            I encourage professors across all
            Education  in  the  Hua-Shih  College        departments to embrace interdisciplinary
            of  Education,  and  Prof.  Shih-Jang        teaching and research, continuing to

            Hsu from the Department of Natural           push  the  boundaries  of  knowledge.
            Resources and Environmental Studies          Supported  by  the  funding  for  three

            in the College of Environmental Studies      major research excellence initiatives,
            and Oceanography, who received the           we are cultivating a comprehensive and
            University-Level Lifetime Outstanding        forward-thinking model for education
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